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Boxing For Fitness

What is boxing for fitness? Well it is just was it says it is, all the main punches and defence tactics without getting hit. Normally it involves hitting pads or bags or a combination of both. In other words get fit without getting hit.

What are the main advantages of boxing for fitness over some other traditional exercise classes?

Boxing classes can be adapted for fitness and experience levels but generally include three segments or types of exercise: I will outline the advantages of what happens in my classes:

· Cardiovascular. My classes begin with a warm-up and a cardio session that varies in intensity, depending on the participants or class level. This could include agility, change in direction, skipping, and other drills that ramp up heart rate quickly.

· Strength. Boxing requires strength. If you look at any professional boxer, you can see that they spend time building muscle. Boxing classes usually have a strength training portion that includes core work, upper body and lower body drills.

· Boxing Intervals. The class also includes actual boxing, typically with a bag or focus mitts. In one-on-one classes, you might hit my focus mitts. This portion of the workout is usually in a HIIT (high intensity interval training) format with rest periods.

What makes my sessions different from the usual boxercise classes is the actual techniques that we use. We make sure that that all the punches and defences are performed correctly not only from the attacker’s point of view but from the pad holder’s perspective. All of the boxing intervals are performed with proper boxing


Stress relief

Boxing is also a great way to manage stress, letting out some frustration on a punching bag or on the mitt holder. I like to call this controlled aggression in a safe environment. Many people believe that combat is in our DNA. Our primal genes are programmed to do it.

Now, I’m certainly not saying that we should be fighting one another, in fact, quite the opposite. I’m not condoning violence or aggression but the boxing for fitness gym is a great way to channel your energy safely and effectively to minimise harm to yourself and others and maximise the physical and mental health benefits.

Plus, knowing how to throw a punch is a great confidence-booster. Finally, the endorphin release that accompanies a strenuous workout is another one of the clear benefits of boxing. You’ll ride the high for the rest of the day.

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